Property Location:
The property is located in L’Anse aux Epines, St George at Latitude 12.008952°and Longitude – 61.759820°. To visit, exit Dusty Highway in Grand Anse in the direction of Petit Valley Road. Take the left turn at the top of the hill onto Amber Belair Road and drive for approximately 270 yards before taking a sharp right turn after which the property is found immediately on the left.
Property Description:
This 3 storey residential complex with stunning views and finish. The upper floor has 5 bedrooms each with en-suite bathroom facilities and two with their own private balconies. This floor also offers an open concept kitchen, living and dining area in addition to a large L-shaped, covered veranda and open deck with swimming pool. There is also a separate powder room and laundry room.
The lower floor is divided into four apartments with each apartment containing two bedrooms, one bathroom and open plan kitchen living and dining area and a verandah. All internal decorative finishes, cabinetry, closet, electrical, sanitary and air conditioning installations are complete. The ground floor level of the building includes four studio type apartment. All structural and masonry work is complete and windows and doors installed.
Asking Price: $6.5M