Together, We Can!

Thursday 26th August 2021 marked another successful Virtual Annual General Meeting for Ariza Credit Union.

2020 posed new challenges for individuals and organizations alike due to the global pandemic. Ariza’s AGM theme: ‘Together, We Can’ signifies the only way as a credit union and community we are able to move forward with hope and find novel ways to deal with the unexpected challenges. The theme embodies the spirit of credit unions – people helping people.  More so, the report and virtual Annual General Meeting was a tribute to our Grenadian heroes who went beyond and continue to go beyond the call of duty to safeguard our nation during a time of uncertainty.

Despite the unprecedented year experienced by all, Ariza was able to achieve growth in several key areas, operating surplus, institutional capital, deposits, membership, total assets, gross loans and income.

Honourable Gregory Bowen, Prime Minister (Ag.) and Minister for Finance, Public Utilities, Energy, Physical and Economic Development in his remarks at the virtual AGM said that Ariza’s theme, Together, We Can, “…is appropriate and timely for many reasons…working together is our best chance of successfully navigating the confluence of issues that we currently face.” He also encouraged the Credit Union to continue to strive for greatness, stating that Ariza Credit Union has shown itself to be a paragon of excellence through its massive growth and transformation over the years.

With the Credit Union being a democratic society, members voted on the leadership of the organization, appointing the following individuals to the Board of Directors, Credit Committee and Supervisory and Compliance Committee. Sis. Claudette James, Bro. Lyndon Bubb and Bro. Otis Gay were elected to serve on the Board of Directors. Both Sis. James and Bro. Bubb will serve for a second three-year term, while Bro. Gay will serve for his first three-year term.

Sis. Deshon Harris and Sis. Allena Peters were elected to the Credit Committee and will serve their first three-year term, whereas Bro. Brian Pascall, also elected to the Credit Committee will serve his second three-year term.

Elected to the Supervisory and Compliance Committee were Bro. Francis Robertson, serving his second three-year term and Bro. Davon Baker serving his first three-year term.

Apart from the leadership of Ariza Credit Union, members present at the virtual Annual General Meeting on Thursday also voted on and approved four resolutions:

  1. Approval of the 2021/2022 budget
  2. Appointment of auditors for 2021
  3. Allocation of surplus
  4. Amendment of Byelaws

3% dividends were paid on Equity Shares to members, amounting to a total of $578,331.00. Dividend payments were deposited to the Transactional Account of members on Friday August 27th, 2021.

Visit Ariza’s website, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube pages to stay up to date with upcoming promotions and news.

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